IEC Code

  • Global Market Reach
  • PAN Based Registration
  • Online Registration
  • Life Time Validity
  • No Compliance
  • Benefits of Schemes
  • Simple Document Requirement
  • Life Time Validity
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Easily Obtain Import Export Code

Import Export Code is a registration is required for persons importing or exporting goods and services from India. IE Code is issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Government of India. IE Codes when issued can be used by the entity throughout its existence and doesn't require any renewal or filing. Therefore, it is recommended for most organizations to obtain IE Code, irrespective of if they need it at the moment. IE Code application must be made to the Directorate General of Foreign Trade along with the necessary supporting documents. Once, the application is submitted, DGFT will issue the IE Code for the entity in 15 - 20 working days or less.


IEC Code

ComplyLocal is your top resource for everything related to the Import Export Code (IEC). Our website is a complete guide, offering expert advice and essential tools. We keep the IEC application process super simple and uncomplicated. Are you an established exporter or new to international trade? ComplyLocal supports the complete process. Our team offers step-by-step guidance on the latest regulation updates.

Make the whole process effortless & say goodbye to back-and-forth conversations. We make it quick, easy, and user-friendly on our end, so your end is hassle-free! Let us help you with fact-filled, simplified solutions like how we do for so many others who rely on ComplyLocal.

Introduce yourself to the world of international markets with ComplyLocal.

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