GST Returns

At ComplyLocal, we understand the importance of timely and accurate GST returns filing for businesses of all sizes. With ever-evolving tax regulations, staying compliant can be challenging. That's where we come in. Our platform simplifies the GST returns filing process, ensuring seamless compliance while you focus on growing your business. Whether you're a small start-up or a large enterprise, our user-friendly interface and expert assistance make GST filing hassle-free. Say goodbye to complex paperwork and filing errors. Join thousands of satisfied clients who trust ComplyLocal for their GST compliance needs. Let's navigate the world of GST together, ensuring your business stays on the path to success.

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Requirements To Register

Requirements for GST Registration

Business Details:

Provide information about your business, including name, address, PAN, and contact details.

Business Type:

Determine the type of business entity you're registering, such as proprietorship, partnership, LLP, or company.


Check if your annual turnover exceeds the threshold limit for GST registration, which varies based on your business location.


Keep essential documents ready, including PAN card, Aadhaar card, business registration certificate, bank statements, and address proof.

Benefits of GST Registration

Legal Compliance:

Avoid penalties and legal consequences by staying compliant with GST regulations.

Input Tax Credit:

Claim input tax credit on GST paid on purchases, reducing your overall tax liability.

Business Expansion:

Expand your business across state borders without worrying about state-specific tax registrations.


Gain credibility and trust among customers, suppliers, and stakeholders by being GST-compliant.

Streamlined Processes:

Simplify your tax filing process and eliminate manual paperwork with our automated GST return filing services.


Who needs to register for GST?

Any business or individual involved in the supply of goods or services with an annual turnover exceeding the threshold limit (currently ₹20 lakhs for most states) needs to register for GST.

How long does the GST registration process take?

The GST registration process typically takes 3-7 working days, depending on the completeness and accuracy of the submitted documents.

Can I register for GST voluntarily?

Yes, businesses with turnover below the threshold limit can voluntarily register for GST to avail of the benefits of input tax credit and improve their business credibility.

What are the consequences of not registering for GST?

Failure to register for GST can result in penalties, fines, and legal consequences, including the inability to claim input tax credit and conduct business legally.

Do I need a separate GST registration for each state?

No, GST registration is based on a single PAN, allowing businesses to operate across multiple states under a single registration.

Can ComplyLocal assist with GST registration for my business?

Absolutely! ComplyLocal offers expert assistance with GST registration, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free process for your business.