Adding Directors

Welcome to ComplyLocal, your trusted partner in business compliance solutions. At ComplyLocal, we understand the complexities and challenges of starting and running a business. That's why we're dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance to entrepreneurs and businesses at every stage of their journey. From company registration to ongoing compliance management, our team of experienced professionals is committed to simplifying the process and ensuring adherence to all legal and regulatory requirements. With our tailored solutions, transparent pricing, and personalized service, we empower businesses to focus on what they do best while we take care of the rest. Trust ComplyLocal to navigate the intricacies of business compliance seamlessly, so you can thrive in today's competitive landscape.

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Required Document

Requirements for Adding Directors

Director Identification Number (DIN):

Each director must obtain a DIN issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

Proof of Identity:

Provide a copy of valid identity proof such as Aadhar Card, Passport, or Driver's License for each director.

Proof of Address:

Submit a copy of address proof like Voter ID, Passport, or Utility Bill (not older than 2 months) for each director.

Passport-sized Photographs:

Recent passport-sized photographs of each director.

Consent to Act as Director:

Each director must sign a consent form agreeing to act as a director of the company.


These documents outline the company's objectives, rules, and regulations. They must be signed by all directors.

Board Resolution:

If the director is appointed through a board resolution, a copy of the resolution is required.

Requirements to Register

Requirements for Adding Directors

Minimum Directors:

You must have a minimum of two directors for private limited company registration.

Registered Office Address:

Provide a valid address for the registered office of the company within India.

Minimum Capital:

There is no minimum capital requirement for private limited company registration.

Unique Name:

Choose a unique name for your company that complies with the naming guidelines provided by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

Digital Signature Certificates (DSC):

Obtain DSC for all directors and subscribers of the company.

Director Identification Number (DIN):

Each director must obtain a DIN from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA):

Draft MOA and AOA outlining the company's objectives and rules.